(304) 757-9222 connect@tvcog.org

From Good to Bad to Worse

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you were doing exactly what God wanted you to do yet things seemed to start going downhill?  Have you ever had one of those bad days where things went from good to bad to worse?  I’ve had those days, but my husband has...

Fasting Is . . .

Fasting is the spiritual discipline of refraining from food for a period of time to focus on God. And what we learned is that God expects us to fast periodically. The Bible doesn’t say, “If you fast”; it says, “When you fast.” So Jesus expects us to fast. And there...

Lord, I Give You My Heart

An Introduction to Fasting I serve on a national transformation team called that is focused on developing ways the Church of God can help people cultivate and refresh their spiritual walk with Christ.  As the result of our meetings over the last year and a half, a...